MAT Community Agreements

The following community agreements have been adopted by the MAT 2020 cohort. We look forward to a productive and supportive year! I will respect my classmates by actively listening, not interrupting, using kind language, and being open to ideas. I will give and receive constructive feedback respectfully.I will be empathetic to the thoughts, feelings, and schedules of others.I will be […]

Welcome to MAT 2020 Cohort

Hi-five? Lo-five? Do-si-do? Or maybe you want to go on a Scavenger Hunt? We had some fun at the MAT 2020 Orientation yesterday. Welcome to the new cohort. We look forward to a great year together!

Distinguished Clinical Intern Nominees

Each year the state of New Jersey selects Distinguished Clinical Interns from those nominated by their teacher education programs. Based on nominations from field supervisors and cooperating teachers and a thorough review of applications by the Drew faculty, we are proud to announce that three clinical interns from our program will be moving forward into the next round. Michelle Morris, […]

Dean’s Prize Awarded

Rachel Fintz was awarded the Dean’s Master of Arts in Teaching Prize at the award ceremony for the Caspersen School of Graduate Studies last night. Rachel was selected for her exemplary performance in both her clinical placement and in her coursework. In the field, Rachel has shown a commitment to teaching culturally relevant lessons that engage students in inquiry based science learning. In […]

End of Year Celebration

Last night we celebrated our graduates, initiated new KDP members, welcomed our new cohort, and thanked our community. Like all teachers, we packed a lot into a short time! Thanks to everyone for all you do!